Interface IProduct

public interface IProduct
Products are the Eclipse unit of branding. From the runtime point of view they have a name, id and description and identify the Eclipse application to run.

Since the bulk of the branding related information is specific to the UI, products also carry an arbitrary set of properties. The valid set of key-value pairs and their interpretation defined by the UI of the target environment. For example, in the standard Eclipse UI, org.eclipse.ui.branding.IProductConstants the properties of interest to the UI. Other clients may specify additional properties.

Products can be defined directly using extensions to the org.eclipse.core.runtime.products extension point or by using facilities provided by IProductProvider implementations.

For readers familiar with Eclipse 2.1 and earlier, products are roughly equivalent to primary features.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getApplication

      String getApplication()
      Returns the application associated with this product. This information is used to guide the runtime as to what application extension to create and execute.
      this product's application or null if none
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of this product. The name is typically used in the title bar of UI windows.
      the name of this product or null if none
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Returns the text description of this product
      the description of this product or null if none
    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns the unique product id of this product.
      the id of this product
    • getProperty

      String getProperty(String key)
      Returns the property of this product with the given key. null is returned if there is no such key/value pair.
      key - the name of the property to return
      the value associated with the given key or null if none
    • getDefiningBundle

      Bundle getDefiningBundle()
      Returns the bundle which is responsible for the definition of this product. Typically this is used as a base for searching for images and other files that are needed in presenting the product.
      the bundle which defines this product or null if none