Defining Intro Content

Now we can look at the content itself. Content is described in terms of pages. All pages have an id attribute. This is the id that is used when defining the home and standby pages, and other places where there is a reference to a page. Otherwise, the relevant attributes depend on the kind of page that is defined. There are two basic types of pages:

The best way to get a feel for the content definition format is to browse the implementations in the Eclipse SDK. The snippet below shows an example of this:

      <page alt-style="css/" style="css/root.css" id="root" style-id="page">
         <title style-id="intro-header">Welcome to Eclipse Platform</title>
         <group id="links-background">
            <group id="page-links">
               <link label="Overview" url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showPage?id=overview" id="overview" style-id="left">
                  <text>Find out what Eclipse is all about</text>
               <link label="Tutorials" url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showPage?id=tutorials" id="tutorials" style-id="left">
                  <text>Let us guide you through Eclipse end-to-end tutorials</text>
               <link label="Samples" url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showPage?id=samples" id="samples" style-id="right">
                  <text>Explore Eclipse development through code samples</text>
               <link label="Whats New" url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showPage?id=news" id="news" style-id="right">
                  <text>Find out what is new in this release</text>

Elements on a page can also be filteredFrom a particular implementation. This allows page designers to design with particular platforms in mind. There are many more powerful attributes that can be used when describing a page and its contents. See the extension point documentation for org.eclipse.ui.intro.config and its associated intro content file format specification for a complete reference of valid elements, subelements, and their attributes.