Opening an External File
These procedures describe how to open external files in PDT .
External files can be opened in PDT in two ways:
- Dragging-and dropping the file into PDT .
- Using the Open function in PDT .
Once external files have been opened in PDT , you can perform operations such as running or debugging on them.
To open a file by dragging-and-dropping:
- Find your file in your external file system.
- Have both PDT and your file system explorer open and visible on your desktop.
- Drag and drop the file into the editor space in PDT .
The file will be displayed in an editor and will be available for PDT debugging operations .
To open a file by double-clicking:
- If the file type you are trying to open was associated with PDT during installation, simply double-clicking it in your external file system will cause it to be opened in PDT .
- If the file type was not associated with PDT you can:
- Right-click the file and selectOpen With | Choose Program | PDT.
- -Or- Add the file type to the list of file types which will automatically be opened in PDT by doing the following:
- From PDT 's Menu Bar, go to Window | Preferences | General | Content Types. The Content Types dialog will be displayed.
- Select Text | PHP Content Type from the list. A list of file types associated with PDT will be displayed.
- Click Addto add your file's type to the list,
- Enter the file type (e.g. .php) and click OK.
- The file type will be added to the list.
- Open your Windows Explorer.
- Go to Tools | Folder Options | File Types.
- From the File Types list, select PHP File.
- In the Opens with category click Change, browse to your PDT .exe location and click OK.
- Click Apply.
You can now double-click the file on your external file system to open it in PDT .
The file will be displayed in an editor.
To open a file using PDT 's file open function:
- In PDT , go to File | Open File.
- Browse for your file in your file system.
- Select the required file and click Open.
The file will be displayed in an editor.