PHP Perspective Main Toolbar

The PHP Perspective's Main Toolbar offers shortcuts to frequently used functionality:


Shortcut IconShortcut KeysNameDescription
toolbar_new.pngNewClicking on the icon opens the New Wizard dialog.

Clicking the arrow next to the icon lets you select to create a new PHP Project, Project, PHP File, Folder, CSS, HTML, XML, Example Project or Other resource.
save_icon.pngCtrl+SSaveSaves the active file.
toolbar_print.pngCtrl+PPrintPrints the active file.
toolbar_debug.pngDebugClicking the Debug Button executes the last run configuration.

Clicking the arrow next to the icon gives access to the following options:
  • Debug a previously executed launch configuration.
  • Debug As... - Debug the active file as a Debug on Server, Java Applet, Java Application, JUnit Plug-in Test, JUnit Test, PHP Script or PHP Web Page.
  • Open Debug dialog - Opens the Debug dialog.
  • Organize Favorites - Allows you to select which launch configurations should be added to your Favorites list. Your Favorite launches will be listed first in the launch configuration list.
toolbar_run.pngRunClicking the Run As button executes the last run configuration.

Clicking the arrow next to the icon gives access to the following options:
  • Run a previously executed launch configuration.
  • Run As... - Run the active file as a Run on Server, Java Applet, Java Application, JUnit Plug-in Test, JUnit Test, PHP Script or PHP Web Page.
  • Open Run dialog - Opens the Run dialog.
  • Organize Favorites - Allows you to select which launch configurations should be added to your Favorites list. Your Favorite launches will be listed first in the launch configuration list.
toolbar_external_tools.pngExternal ToolsClicking the External Tools Button opens the External Tools Configuration dialog.

Clicking the arrow next to the icon gives access to the following options:
  • Run As - If applicable, allows you to run the file using External tools.
  • Open External Tools Dialog - Opens the configuration dialog for running a file using external tools.
  • Organize Favorites - Opens a dialog allowing you to organize your external tools.
See the External Tools topic in the Workbench User Guide for more information.
toolbar_search.pngCtrl+HSearchLaunches the Search dialog.
toolbar_open_web_browser.pngOpen Web BrowserOpens an internal web browser.
toolbar_annotation.pngCtrl+. Ctrl+,Next/Previous AnnotationNavigates to the next / previous annotation in the script.

Possible annotations are: Bookmarks, Diff additions, Diff changes, Errors, Info, Search Results, Spelling Errors, Tasks and Warnings.

Click the arrow next to the next / previous annotation icon on the toolbar to configure which types of annotations should be included.
toolbar_last_edit.pngCtrl+QLast Edit LocationJumps to the last location that was edited.
toolbar_backforward_edit.pngAlt+Left Alt+RightBack/forward to last edited fileScrolls through the previous/next edited locations in all edited file in the current session.