Navigation Submenu

The Navigation submenu is available under Window | Navigation from the Menu Bar.

The options available under the Navigation submenu are:

Show System MenuAlt + -Shows the system menu for the active view. This contains options on how the view is displayed (Fast View, Detached, Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize, Close.)
Show View MenuCtrl+F10Shows the active view's menus, containing functionality for each view.
Quick AccessCtrl+3Gives you quick access to a range of Eclipse options.
Maximize / Minimize Active View or EditorCtrl+MToggles between full screen and minimal views
Activate EditorF12Switches to the editor view.
Next EditorCtrl+F6Switches to the next open editor.
Hold down the Ctrl key and press F6 to scroll between the editors.
This command is similar to the Alt+Tab functionality on Windows.
Previous EditorCtrl+Shift+F6Switches to the previous open editor.
Hold down the Ctrl+Shift keys and press F6 to scroll between the editors.
This command is similar to the Alt+Tab functionality on Windows.
Switch to EditorCtrl+Shift+EOpens a dialog displaying all the open editors. Allows you to choose which editors to open, close or save.
Next ViewCtrl+F7Switches to the next open view.
Hold down the Ctrl key and press F7 to scroll between the views.
This command is similar to the Alt+Tab functionality in Windows.
Previous ViewCtrl+Shift+F7Switches to the previous open view.
Hold down the Ctrl key and press F7 to scroll between the views.
This command is similar to the Alt+Tab functionality in Windows.
Next PerspectiveCtrl+F8Switches to the last open Perspective.
Previous PerspectiveCtrl+Shift+F8Switched to the next open Perspective.