New Submenu

The New submenu is available under File | New from the Menu Bar.


The options available in the New Menu for the current perspective can be configured through the Customize Perspectives option in the Window Menu.

The options available under the New submenu are:

PHP ProjectCreates a new project within the workspace, with PHP configuration settings allowing full PHP functionality.
ProjectAdds a new Project to Navigator / Project Explorer views in which files can be created.
PHP FileCreates a new file with PHP tags. Allows full PHP functionality.
FolderCreates a new folder within a project.
The new folder can be linked to a folder in the files system by clicking on the Advanced button in the new folder creation dialog. Using this option will insert an existing folder into your workspace folder. Any changes made to the files and folders in your workspace will automatically be reflected in the local versions of the files in your file system.
CSSInserts a cascading style sheet into a project.
HTMLCreates a new HTML file within a project, which allows the utilization of HTML functionality.
XMLCreates a new XML file within a project, which allows the utilization of XML functionality.
ExampleCreates the following example projects in your workspace:
  • GEF - (Graphical Editing Framework) Plug-ins
  • XML- Inserts an XML example project into the workspace.
OtherAllows access to all other types of items not in the main list.
To configure which items will be available from the main list, go to Window menu | Customize Perspective.
The options in the list are divided into categories:
  • Class
  • Folder
  • Interface
  • Java Project
  • Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile
  • Plug-in Project
  • General- File, Folder, Project, Unitled Text File
  • Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools - Library, ODA Designer Plug-in Project, ODA Runtime Driver Plug-in Project, Report, Report Project, Template
  • Connection Profiles - Connection Profile, Connection Profile Repository
  • CVS- CVS Repository Location, Projects from CVS
  • Eclipse Modeling Framework - EMF Model, EMF Project, Empty EMF Project
  • EJB- EJB Project, XDoclet Enterprise JavaBean
  • Example EMF Model Creation Wizards - Data Graph Model, Ecore Model, Ecore to Ecore Model, Ecore to XML Model, XSD Model, XSD to Ecore Model
  • J2EE - Application Client Project, Connector Project, Enterprise Application Project, Utility Project
  • Java- Annotation, Class, Enum, Interface, Java Project, Java Project from Existing Ant Buildlife, Package, Source Folder, DBUnit Test Case, Scrapbook Page, JUnit Test Case, JUnite Test Suite, Servlet Test Case
  • Java Emitter Templates - Convert Projects to JET Projects
  • JavaServer Faces - JSF Library
  • JPA - JPA Project
  • PHP- PHP File, PHP Project, Untitled PHP Document
  • Plug-in Development - Extension Point Schema, Feature Patch, Feature Project, Fragment Project, Plug-in from existing JAR archives, Plug-in Project, Product Configuration, Target Definition, Update Site Project
  • Server- Server
  • SQL Development - SQL File
  • SVN- Projects from SVN, Repository Location
  • User Assistance - Cheat Sheet
  • Web- CSS,Dynamic Web Project, HTML, JavaScript, JSP, Servlet, Static Web Project
  • Web Services - Ant Files, Unit Test UDDI, Web Service, Web Service Client, WSDL
  • XML- DTD, XML, XML Schema
  • Examples- GEF (Graphical Editing Framework) Plug-ins, XML