PDE Build contributes several ant tasks that extend the p2 publisher. These tasks allow PDE Build to publish metadata and artifacts directly into a p2 repository.
The generated build scripts use these tasks in the context of a full build where things like compiling class files and replacing versions are done. However, some of the tasks may be usefull in special cases to publish metadata directly without running a full build.
eclipse.publish.featuresAndBundles |
This task is very similar to the p2.publish.featuresAndBundles task contributed by the p2 publisher. This task will publish metadata for pre-existing binary features and plug-ins which are not being built from source. The task will also publish categories based on a provided site.xml or category.xml file. |
This task supports the following attributes:
<eclipse.publish.featuresAndBundles repository="file:C:/build/repository" category="file:C:/build/category.xml" > <features dir="C:\eclipse\features\" includes="org.eclipse.cvs_1.1.100.v20090514-7E79FEc9BJ99r9XGQ3CICF" /> <bundles dir="C:\eclipse\plugins" includes="org.eclipse.cvs_1.0.300.v20090520.jar" /> <bundles dir="C:\eclipse\plugins" includes="org.eclipse.team.cvs.core_3.3.200.I20090430-0408.jar" /> <bundles dir="C:\eclipse\plugins" includes="org.eclipse.team.cvs.ssh_3.2.100.I20090508-2000.jar" /> <bundles dir="C:\eclipse\plugins" includes="org.eclipse.team.cvs.ssh2_3.2.200.I20090508-2000.jar" /> <bundles dir="C:\eclipse\plugins" includes="org.eclipse.team.cvs.ui_3.3.200.I20090521-1750.jar" /> </eclipse.publish.featuresAndBundles>
eclipse.gatherBundle |
Publish a plug-in directly from source. Once the .class files for a bundle are compiled, this task will gather up all the files that make up the binary result and publish them as a p2 artifact with metadata. This task is used in the publish.bin.parts task in the plug-in's generated build.xml, this task replaces the gather.bin.parts task when you are building with the p2 publisher. |
This task supports the following attributes:
<eclipse.gatherBundle metadataRepository="file:/build/repo" artifactRepository="file:/build/repo" buildResultFolder="${basedir}" baseDirectory="${basedir}" unpack="true" > <outputFolder library="lib/pdebuild-ant.jar" dir="${basedir}" includes="bin_ant/**" /> <outputFolder library="pdebuild.jar" dir="${basedir}" includes="bin/**" /> </eclipse.gatherBundle>
eclipse.gatherFeature |
Publish a feature directly from source. This task will gather up all the files that make up the feature jar and publish them as a p2 artifact with metadata. This task will also publish artifacts containing any root files that are contributed by this feature. If the feature does not specify a bin.includes property, then the feature jar will not be generated, but there will still be root file artifacts and feature group metadata. |
This task supports the following attributes:
<eclipse.gatherFeature metadataRepository="file:/build/repo" artifactRepository="file:/build/repo" buildResultFolder="${basedir}" baseDirectory="${basedir}" />
eclipse.brand.p2.artifacts |
Brand launcher artifacts for a product and republish them with a new name for inclusion in the given product. |
This task supports the following attributes: