Feature and Plug-in custom build steps
New in 3.2 is the ability for a feature or plug-in to contribute
custom ant targets to its own build. These custom steps can be
used for things like instrumenting byte-code after compilation,
indexing help files for documentation, or copying extra files into the
To use custom targets, a feature or plug-in must define the property
customBuildCallbacks in its build.properties file; the value
of this
property is the location of an xml file, relative to the root of the
feature/plug-in, containing the custom targets. If the xml file is located elsewhere, use the property
customBuildCallbacks.buildpath to set the directory to use.
Templates named
containing the supported custom targets are
provided in org.eclipse.pde.build/templates/plugins and
org.eclipse.pde.build/templates/features. These
templates can be copied into your feature/plug-in and modified as
The custom targets will be invoked using the subant task; by default, failonerror is set to false. To change this
set the property customBuildCallbacks.failonerror to true. Similarly, the inheritall parameter defaults to false. Set the
property customBuildCallbacks.inheritall to change this.
The generated build.xml that builds a plug-in contains several
targets that perform specific tasks. PDE Build allows the plug-in
to provide custom pre and post targets that will be called before and
after specific tasks. In addition to any ant properties that may
already be defined, each custom target may also be passed a couple of
specific properties. The following targets support custom
- build.jars: The
build.jars target will invoke in turn each of the compilation targets
that will be built for this bundle. It supports pre.build.jars and post.build.jars targets which are
called before and after all the compilation targets are called.
Both the pre and post targets are provided with the property build.result.folder
which is the folder to which the
results of the
build will be copied.
- Compilation Targets:
The build.xml defines a compilation target for each jar being built (eg
@dot for the bundle itself, or library.jar). Each compilation
target supports 3 custom callbacks:
- pre.<compilation target>:
Called before source files are compiled. It is provided with the
following properties:
- post.compile.<compilation
target>: Called after the source is compiled, but
before the class files are jared or copied into the build result
It is provided with the same properties as the pre.<compilation
target> target.
- post.<compilation target>:
Called at the end of the compilation target after the results are
copied to the build result folder. It is provided with the
following properties:
- jar.Location: The jar or folder containing the
compilation results.
- <compilation target>.classpath: A reference to
the ant path structure containing the classpath that was used in the
- build.sources: This
target builds the source zips for each of the compilation
targets. It supports pre.build.sources
and post.build.sources
targets. Both of these targets are provided with the property
build.result.folder which is the folder to which the source zip files
will be copied.
- gather.bin.parts:
This target copies the build results (i.e. the jars and any other files
being included in the bundle) to the final destination directory.
It is also the target where the version qualifiers are replaced in the
manifest file (see Version
Qualifiers). It supports pre.gather.bin.parts
and post.gather.bin.parts
targets. Two properties are provided to the pre and post targets:
- build.result.folder: the folder containing the
results of
the build
- target.folder: the destination folder to which
the build
results and bundle contents are being copied.
- gather.sources: This
target gathers the source zips for the bundle. It supports pre.gather.sources and post.gather.sources targets.
Both the pre
and post targets are provided with the target.folder property which is
the folder that the sources are being copied to.
- gather.logs: This
target collects the log files from the build. It supports pre.gather.logs and post.gather.logs. Both the pre
and post
targets are provided with the destination.temp.folder which is the
temporary folder that the logs files are being copied to.
- clean: This target
performs a clean, it supports pre.clean
and post.clean targets.
The pre and post targets have the following properties:
- plugin.destination: The folder that the final
bundle was
copied to.
- build.result.folder: The folder that the results
of the
build were copied to
- temp.folder: The temporary folder where the results
were staged before being copied to the final destination.
The generated build.xml for features only supports custom build
callbacks for the gather.bin.parts target. This target will
invoke the gather.bin.parts target of all the included features and
plug-ins. It supports pre.gather.bin.parts and
post.gather.bin.parts. Both of these targets are provided with
the following properties:
- destination.temp.folder: The directory to which
the plug-ins will be copied.
- feature.directory: The directory to which the
files for
this feature will be copied.