The overall build mechanism is driven by a builder configuration
which includes a file.
topLevelElementId | The id of the feature being built. This property is new in 3.4 and depends on the use of the 3.4 allElements.xml file. Build configurations using older style customTargets.xml and/or allElements.xml files should not use this property. |
buildDirectory |
The directory where the
build will take place. |
configs |
A list of configurations to
build. A configuration is an ampersand separated list of comma
separated operating system, windowing system and architecture. If
no config is specified, the platform independent config will be
built. Example:
configs = win32, win32, x86 & linux, gtk, ppc |
baseLocation |
The location of the target
eclipse install. In the default template, the value of this is
${base}/eclipse. (See the base property below). This
directory is expected to contain plugins/ and features/
which contain the binary plug-ins and features respectively. |
baseos |
The operating system of the
eclipse specified by baseLocation |
basews |
The windowing system of the
eclipse specified by baseLocation |
basearch |
The architecture of the
eclipse specified by baseLocation |
pluginPath |
A platform path-separator
separated list of locations to find additional plug-ins and features. |
skipBase |
If set, automatically
download a base eclipse to use as a target |
base |
The location the base
eclipse will be downloaded to. This should be the parent of
baseLocation, such that baseLocation = ${base}/eclipse. |
eclipseURL |
The URL for the eclipse
download site |
eclipseBuildId |
The build ID of the eclipse
to download |
eclipseBaseURL |
The actual URL of the zip to
download. In the default template, the value is:
eclipseBaseURL = ${eclipseURL}/eclipse-platform-${eclipseBuildId} |
filteredDependencyCheck |
Constraint the set of plug-ins and features
to be considered during the build to the one reachable from the features / plugins being built when set to true |
resolution.devMode |
When set to true, the validation done on the set of plug-ins being built will be
less strict. For example it will allow multiple versions of a singleton bundle to be resolved. |
runPackager |
Set if the packager needs to
be run. Set this if your build results need to contain binary
features and plug-ins that come from the baseLocation. |
product |
The product configuration
file. Set this if you are building a product. It controls
branding of your build results. |
archiveNamePrefix |
The prefix of the name of
the final archive files. This is used in allElements.xml when
setting the archive name on a per config basis. By default, the
value will be ${buildId} |
archivePrefix |
The name of the archive root
folder, this is "eclipse" for eclipse builds. |
buildType | Type of build, normally something like I, N, M, etc. |
buildLabel | The label for the build. In the default template, the value is ${buildType}.${buildId} |
collectingFolder |
The folder where the build
output will be collected. In the default template, the
value is ${archivePrefix}. |
groupConfigurations |
Whether or not to group all
configuration into one archive file. |
archivesFormat |
The archive format for the
different configs being built. This is an ampersand separated
list of configs and their archive format. The format is separated
by a dash (-). Example:archivesFormat = win32, win32, x86 - antzip & linux, gtk, ppc - tar |
outputUpdateJars |
When set, generates plug-ins
and features in JAR format for an update site. |
zipArgs |
Arguments to be sent to the
zip executable when the archive format is zip. |
tarArgs |
Arguments to be sent to the
tar executable when the archive format is tar. |
generateJnlp |
Set to true to generate JNLP
manifests for the JAR archives |
jnlp.codebase |
The site URL. This
should be a URL that will be used as the root of all relative URLs in
the output. |
jnlp.j2se |
The J2SE version required to run the JNLP app being exported |
jnlp.locale |
The locale in which the generated jnlp files should be generated. |
jnlp.generateOfflineAllowed |
Generate the <offlineAllowed/> in the generated files when set to true. |
jnlp.configs |
Filter the content of the generated jnlp files based on the configuration being built. The configurations need to be listed. |
signJars |
Set to true to sign
jars for features and plug-ins. |
sign.alias |
The alias passed to the ant
signJar task. |
sign.keystore |
The keystore passed to the
ant signJar task. |
sign.storepass |
The storepass passed to the
ant signJar task. |
sign.keypass |
The keypass passed to the
ant signJar task. |
forceContextQualifier |
The value of this property
is used when replacing qualifiers in plug-in and feature
versions. If set it is used instead of the tags from the map
or the timestamp. |
generateFeatureVersionSuffix |
Set to true to generate
feature version suffixes |
generateVersionsLists |
Set to true to generate
properties files listing the final version numbers of features and
plug-ins being built. This will create
and files in the builder directory. |
skipMaps |
If set, do not attempt to
fetch map files from CVS |
mapsRepo |
The CVS repository to fetch
map files from. |
mapsRoot |
The path in the CVS
repository to the directory containing the map files |
mapsCheckoutTag |
The CVS tag to use to
checkout the map files |
tagMaps |
Set to true to tag the map
files after fetching them. |
mapsTagTag |
The tag with which to tag
the map files after fetching them. |
skipFetch |
Set to true to skip the
entire fetch phase. |
fetchTag |
The tag to use when fetching
features and plug-ins from CVS. This property overrides the
values in the map files. |
logExtension |
The extension of the
generated log file. This only applies when using the default JDT
compiler. Default value is ".log". |
javacDebugInfo |
Whether or not to include
debug info in the output jars. This is passed to the ant javac
task. If not set, default value is on. |
javacFailOnError |
Whether or not to fail the
build if there are compilation errors. This is passed to the ant
javac task. If not set, default value is true. |
javacVerbose |
Whether or not to enable the
verbose mode of the compiler. This is passed to the ant javac
task. If not set, default value is false. |
compilerArg |
Set specific arguments to
pass directly to the compiler. |
javacSource |
The java source
compatibility level to use if a plug-in does not specify any
settings. If not set, 1.3 is the default value. |
javacTarget |
The target .class
compatibility level to use if a plug-in does not specify any
settings. If not set, 1.2 is the default value. |
flattenDependencies |
Sort bundle dependencies across feature boundaries. (See also Compilation Order and Parallelization) |
parallelCompilation |
Set to true to enable parallel compilation. (Requires flattenDependencies=true) |
parallelThreadCount |
The maximum number of threads to use. Corresponds to threadCount on the ant parallel task. |
parallelThreadsPerProcessor |
The maximum number of threads to use per available processor. Corresponds to threadsPerProcessor on the ant parallel task. |
bootclasspath |
The bootclasspath to use if
the plug-in does not specify any settings itself. This is a
platform path separator separated list of jars. If not set, the
file set matching ${java.home}/jre/lib/*.jar will be used. |
<Execution Environment> |
Set properties for each JRE that can be used to build. These properties will match up against Execution Environments specified by individual bundles. The values should specify the jars to compile against when using that environment. See Controlling Compilation Environment. |
generateAPIDescription |
Enable automatic generation of API description files for bundles. |
generateSourceReferences | Enable generation of Eclipse-SourceReferences headers into bundle manifests. |