The New Feature Patch creation wizard is available under
File > New > Project... > Plug-in Development > Feature Patch
from the top level menu.
It is recommended to use the reverse domain naming convention (e.g. com.example.patch) for the Project name.
The project Location field specifies the default location as a subdirectory nested inside the workspace location. The project location can be changed to any writable location by unchecking the Use default location checkbox and entering the location of choice.
A Patch ID is mandatory and must comply with the plugin.dtd.
A Patch Name is the translatable presentation name of the patch. This field is required.
A Patch Vendor is the translatable name of the patch vendor. This field is optional.
The Feature ID, Feature Name and Feature Version of the feature being patched must be specified. These attributes must match those of a feature found in either the workspace or the target.
A feature patch has a standard feature project structure and can be edited using the PDE feature manifest editor.