Feature Dependencies
The Dependencies page lists all Required Features and Plug-ins that must be present in the product before the feature can be installed. If any of these pre-requisites are missing, the feature will not be installed.

The requirement can be based solely on plug-in IDs, or further constrained using expected versions and match rules.

Version to match: Optional version specification.
Match Rule: Optional matching rule. Valid values and processing are as follows:
- If the 'Version to match' attribute is not specified, the 'Match Rule' attribute
(if specified) is ignored.
- Equivalent - The dependency version must be at least at
the version specified, or at a higher service level (major and minor version
levels must equal the specified version).
- Compatible - The dependency version must be at least at
the version specified, or at a higher service level or minor level (major
version level must equal the specified version).
- Perfect - The dependency version must match exactly the
specified version.
- Greater or Equal - The dependency version must be at least
at the version specified, or at a higher service, minor or major level.