

The type OclInvalid is a type that conforms to all other types. It has one single instance, identified as invalid. Any property call applied on invalid results in invalid, except for the operations oclIsUndefined() and oclIsInvalid(). OclInvalid is itself an instance of the metatype InvalidType.

conformsTo OclVoid


oclBadProperty : OclAny[?]

An oclBadProperty may be used as a placeholder in an unsuccessfully created OCLExpression.


=(object2 : OclSelf[?]) : Boolean[1] precedence: EQUALITY

Returns invalid.

<>(object2 : OclSelf[?]) : Boolean[1] precedence: EQUALITY

Returns invalid.

allInstances() : Set(OclSelf)

Returns invalid.

and(b : Boolean[?]) : Boolean[?] validating precedence: AND

implies(b : Boolean[?]) : Boolean[?] validating precedence: IMPLIES

oclAsSet() : Set(OclSelf)

oclAsType(TT)(type : TT[?]) : TT[?]

oclBadOperation() : OclAny[?]

An oclBadOperation may be used as a placeholder in an unsuccessfully created OCLExpression.

oclIsInvalid() : Boolean[1] validating

oclIsKindOf(type : OclType[?]) : Boolean[1]

oclIsTypeOf(type : OclType[?]) : Boolean[1]

oclIsUndefined() : Boolean[1] validating

oclType() : OclSelf[1]

or(b : Boolean[?]) : Boolean[?] validating precedence: OR

toString() : String[1]

Returns ‘invalid’.