

The type OclComparable defines the compareTo operation used by the sortedBy iteration. Only types that provide a derived compareTo implementation may be sorted.

conformsTo OclAny


<(that : OclSelf[?]) : Boolean[1] precedence: RELATIONAL

True if self is less than that.

<=(that : OclSelf[?]) : Boolean[1] precedence: RELATIONAL

True if self is less than or equal to that.

>=(that : OclSelf[?]) : Boolean[1] precedence: RELATIONAL

True if self is greater than or equal to that.

>(that : OclSelf[?]) : Boolean[1] precedence: RELATIONAL

True if self is greater than that.

compareTo(that : OclSelf[?]) : Integer[1]

Return -ve, 0, +ve according to whether self is less than, equal to , or greater than that.

The compareTo operation should be commutative.