Map(K, V)

Map(K, V)

A Map provides a Set of key values, each of which has an associated value. Keys and values may be null, but neither may be invalid.

conformsTo OclAny


keyType : K[?]

The key type of the key-value pairs of self.

valueType : V[?]

The value type of the key-value pairs of self.


=(object2 : OclSelf[?]) : Boolean[1] precedence: EQUALITY

Evaluates to true if self and s contain the same elements.

<>(object2 : OclSelf[?]) : Boolean[1] precedence: EQUALITY

at(key : OclAny[?]) : V[?] invalidating

The value of the map at key.

excludes(key : OclAny[?]) : Boolean[1]

True if key is not one of the keys of self, false otherwise.

excludes(key : OclAny[?], value : OclAny[?]) : Boolean[1]

True if key and value are not a key-value pair of self, false otherwise.

excludesAll(K2)(coll : Collection(K2)) : Boolean[1]

True if none of the elements of coll are keys of self, false otherwise.

excludesMap(K2, V2)(map : Map(K2, V2)[?]) : Boolean[1]

True if none of the key-value pairs of map are also key-value pairs of self, false otherwise.

excludesValue(value : OclAny[?]) : Boolean[1]

True if value is not one of the values of self, false otherwise.

excluding(key : OclAny[?]) : Map(K, V)[?]

The map containing all key-value pairs of self except any whose key is key.

excluding(key : OclAny[?], value : OclAny[?]) : Map(K, V)[?]

The map containing all key-value pairs of self except any whose key is key and whose value is key.

excludingAll(keys : Collection(OclAny)) : Map(K, V)[?]

The map containing all key-value pairs of self except any whose key is included in keys.

excludingMap(K2, V2)(map : Map(K2, V2)[?]) : Map(K, V)[?]

The map containing all key-value pairs of self except any which is also included in map.

includes(key : OclAny[?]) : Boolean[1]

True if key is one of the keys of self, false otherwise.

includes(key : OclAny[?], value : OclAny[?]) : Boolean[1]

True if key and value are a key-value pair of self, false otherwise.

includesAll(K2)(coll : Collection(K2)) : Boolean[1]

True if all the elements of coll are keys of self, false otherwise.

includesMap(K2, V2)(map : Map(K2, V2)[?]) : Boolean[1]

True if all of the key-value pairs of map are also key-value pairs of self, false otherwise.

includesValue(value : OclAny[?]) : Boolean[1]

True if value is one of the values of self, false otherwise.

including(key : K[?], value : V[?]) : Map(K, V)[?]

The map containing all of the key-value pairs of self and an additional key-value pair for key and value. If key is already a key of self, the old value pair is replaced by value.

includingMap(K2, V2)(map : Map(K2, V2)[?]) : Map(K, V)[?]

The map containing all of the key-value pairs of self and map. The values associated with key-value pairs in map replace those in self where the same key is used by both maps.

isEmpty() : Boolean[1]

True if self is the empty map, false otherwise.

keys() : Set(K)

A Set comprising all the keys of the key-value pairs in self.

notEmpty() : Boolean[1]

True if self not the empty map, false otherwise.

size() : Integer[1]

The number of key-value pairs in self.

values() : Bag(V)

The Bag comprising all the values of the key-value pairs in self.