

The standard type Integer represents the mathematical concept of integer. Integer is itself an instance of the metatype PrimitiveType (from UML).

conformsTo Real


*(i : OclSelf[?]) : Integer[1] precedence: MULTIPLICATIVE

The value of the multiplication of self and i.

+(i : OclSelf[?]) : Integer[1] precedence: ADDITIVE

The value of the addition of self and i.

-() : Integer[1] precedence: UNARY

The negative value of self.

-(i : OclSelf[?]) : Integer[1] precedence: ADDITIVE

The value of the subtraction of i from self.

/(i : OclSelf[?]) : Real[1] invalidating precedence: MULTIPLICATIVE

The value of self divided by i. Evaluates to invalid if r is equal to zero.

abs() : Integer[1]

The absolute value of self.

div(i : Integer[?]) : Integer[1]

The number of times that i fits completely within self.

max(i : OclSelf[?]) : Integer[1]

The maximum of self an i.

min(i : OclSelf[?]) : Integer[1]

The minimum of self an i.

mod(i : Integer[?]) : Integer[1]

The result is self modulo i.

toString() : String[1]

Converts self to a string value.

toUnlimitedNatural() : UnlimitedNatural[1]

Converts a non-negative self to an UnlimitedNatural value. A negative self is converted to invalid. An automatic coersion may be synthesized if the coercion enables an operation reference to be resolved in an expression where no operation was available without coercion.