

The standard type Boolean represents the common true/false values. Boolean is itself an instance of the metatype PrimitiveType (from UML).

conformsTo OclAny


=(object2 : OclSelf[?]) : Boolean[1] precedence: EQUALITY

Returns true if the logical value of self is the same as the numeric value of object2, false otherwise.

<>(object2 : OclSelf[?]) : Boolean[1] precedence: EQUALITY

Returns true if the logical value of self is the not same as the numeric value of object2, false otherwise.

allInstances() : Set(OclSelf)

Returns Set{false, true}.

and(b : Boolean[?]) : Boolean[?] invalidating validating precedence: AND

false if either self or b is false. Otherwise invalid if either self or b is invalid . Otherwise null if either self or b is null. Otherwise true.

body: if self.oclIsInvalid() then
        if b.oclIsInvalid() then self
        elseif b = false then false
        else self
      elseif self = false then false
      elseif b.oclIsInvalid() then b
      elseif b = false then false
      elseif self = null then null
      elseif b = null then null
      else true

and2(b : Boolean[?]) : Boolean[?]

false if either self or b is false. Otherwise true.

body: if self = false then false
      elseif b = false then false
      else true

implies(b : Boolean[?]) : Boolean[?] invalidating validating precedence: IMPLIES

true if self is false, or if b is true. Otherwise invalid if either self or b is invalid. Otherwise null if either self or b is null. Otherwise false.

body: if self.oclIsInvalid() then
        if b.oclIsInvalid() then self
        elseif b = true then true
        else self
      elseif self = false then true
      elseif b.oclIsInvalid() then b
      elseif b = true then true
      elseif self = null then null
      elseif b = null then b
      else false

implies2(b : Boolean[?]) : Boolean[?]

true if self is false, or if b is true. Otherwise false.

body: if self = false then true
      elseif b = true then true
      else false

not() : Boolean[?] validating precedence: UNARY

true if self is false. false if self is true. null if self is null. Otherwise invalid.

body: if self.oclIsInvalid() then self
      elseif self = null then null
      else self = false

not2() : Boolean[1]

true if self is false. Otherwise false.

body: if self then false else true endif

or(b : Boolean[?]) : Boolean[?] invalidating validating precedence: OR

true if either self or b is true. Otherwise invalid if either self or b is invalid. Otherwise null if either self or b is null. Otherwise false.

body: if self.oclIsInvalid() then
        if b.oclIsInvalid() then self
    elseif b = true then true
        else self
      elseif self = true then true
  elseif b.oclIsInvalid() then b
  elseif b = true then true
  elseif self = null then null
  elseif b = null then null
      else false

or2(b : Boolean[?]) : Boolean[?]

true if either self or b is true. Otherwise false.

body: if self = true then true
  elseif b = true then true
      else false

toString() : String[1]

Converts self to a string value.

xor(b : Boolean[?]) : Boolean[?] precedence: XOR

true if self is true and b is false, or if self is false and b is true. false if self is true and b is true, or if self is false and b is false. Otherwise invalid if either self or b is invalid. Otherwise null.

body: if self.oclIsInvalid() then self
      elseif b.oclIsInvalid() then b
      elseif self = null then null
      elseif b = null then null
      else self <> b

xor2(b : Boolean[?]) : Boolean[?]

true if self <> b Otherwise false.

body: self <> b