All Classes and Interfaces

A delegating base class for containers.
An abstract base class for custom iterators that filter the elements of a delegate iterator.
An abstract base class for custom iterators that only requires to implement a single AbstractIterator.computeNextElement() method.
An abstract base class for custom list iterators that only requires to implement the AbstractIterator.computeNextElement() and AbstractListIterator.computePreviousElement() methods.
An abstract base implementation of a log handler that filters log events with a log level greater than a configurable maximum level.
Provides a single static adapt() method that conveniently and safely wraps the Platform's adaptation framework.
Creates products reflectively and configures them via product method annotations.
An object that iterates over the elements of an array
Various static helper methods.
As of 3.6 use ExecutorWorkSerializer.
As of 3.6 use BidiMap.
Provides static methods that check object states and invocation arguments.
A closeable iterator.
Various static helper methods.
As of 3.6 use ExecutorWorkSerializer.
An iterator that is composed of multiple delegate iterators.
Allow synchronization between many threads for a specific value.
An enumeration of possible answers to a request for confirmation.
An interface with an ConsumerWithException.accept(Object) method that can propagate checked exceptions.
An abstract base implementation of a container with a lifecycle.
A default implementation of a container blocking queue.
A default implementation of a container collection.
A default container delta implementation.
Smaller priority values are ranked higher.
A default container event implementation.
A listener that dispatches container events to methods that can be overridden by extenders.
A default implementation of a container list.
A default implementation of a container map.
A default implementation of a container queue.
A default implementation of a container set.
A default implementation of a container sorted set.
Various static helper methods for dealing with containers.
Encapsulates a tracing context and delegates trace calls to a bundle tracer.
Tests properties of receiver objects against expected values.
A DelegatingInputStream contains some other input stream, which it uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
This class is the superclass of all classes that filter output streams.
Implementation note: AbstractDelegatingRegistry does not preserve the "modifyable view" contract of Map.entrySet() as well as of Map.keySet(), i.e.
Executes the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol between 2 parties: DiffieHellman.Server and DiffieHellman.Client.
Executes the client-side of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol.
Creates Diffie-Hellman parameters.
Executes the server-side of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol.
A log handler that appends log events to the Eclipse error log.
A sub progress monitor that synchronizes all methods on the parent monitor instance.
A default implementation of an event.
Various static helper methods for dealing with events, notifiers and listeners.
As of 3.9 use an executor such as SerializingExecutor.
A default implementation of a factory.
Thrown from FactoryDescriptor.createFactory() if a factory could not be created.
As of 3.19 no longer public API.
A default implementation of a factory key.
An unchecked exception that indicates the absence of a factory identified by product group and type.
As of 3.2 use ConcurrentArray.
TODO Consider file attributes when creating initially empty file
A log handler that appends log events to a file.
TODO Consider file attributes when creating initially empty file
An IEvent that is fired after a method has called a handler multiple times.
A finite state machine that is based on a matrix of transitions.
As of 3.10 use Consumer.
Provides static methods that convert to and from hexadecimal string formats.
TODO extend BaseDialog
Authenticates users.
Extension interface for authenticators that can update user credentials in addition to authenticating them.
A provider of user confirmation of some action.
Contains a number of elements and notifies about element addition and removal.
A container with additional methods to add or remove elements.
A container with additional methods to add or remove elements.
A container that is a Collection.
Describes the addition or removal of a single element from a container.
An event fired from a container when its elements have changed.
A callback interface for visiting container deltas.
An extension interface for container event visitors that can filter deltas from being visited.
A container that is a List.
A container (of map entries) that is a Map.
A container that is a Queue.
A container that is a Set.
A container that is a SortedSet.
Transforms byte arrays to byte arrays.
Processes elements of a managed container when they're added to the container.
A callback interface with a handleError() method.
An event that is fired from a notifier and can be handled by listeners.
Creates objects from a string description.
Identifies a factory by product group and type.
An entity that has a well-defined lifecycle and can be activated or deactivated.
A mix-in interface for lifecycles with deferrable activation.
An event fired from an entity with a lifecycle when its lifecycle state has changed.
Enumerates the possible lifecycle state changes of an entity.
A callback interface that notifiers use to pass events to.
A container that populates itself by means of element factories and post processors .
An extension of the IFactory protocol that provides an awareness of the container that instantiated it, so that the factory may reach back into that container for dependencies.
Should not be used anymore in favor of AssertionError.
An entity that a number of listeners can be registered with and that can fire events to these registered listeners.
A weak reference holder that caches the hash code of the referent and is chained in the Interner.entries to handle collisions.
Encapsulates a set of notifying configuration options.
The container of an options set.
A generic event fired from an options object when an option has changed.
Interface implemented by protocol objects that can supply an IPasswordCredentialsProvider.
Password credentials with an update (new password) in addition to the usual user ID and password for authentication of the password change.
Interface for providers of password credentials updates.
A managed container that is configured by the extension registry .
Contains a list of properties.
The container of a properties registry.
Provides a list of property descriptors.
Support Multiple reads/no write and upgrade lock from read to write.
A read/write lock manager that supports write option locks.
A marker interface to indicate that some method calls may be slow.
Synchronizes a producer and a consumer thread letting the producer pass a value to the consumer.
ITransition<STATE extends Enum<?>,EVENT extends Enum<?>,SUBJECT,DATA>
Encapsulates the logic to be executed when an event arrives for a subject in a particular state.
As of 3.9 use an executor such as SerializingExecutor.
Various static helper methods for dealing with bundles if OSGi is not running.
A default implementation of an entity with a lifecycle.
A default implementation of a lifecycle event.
A listener that dispatches lifecycle events to methods that can be overridden by extenders.
A delegating listener that converts lifecycle events into container events.
An unchecked wrapper exception for checked exceptions being thrown from Lifecycle.doActivate().
Enumerates the possible lifecycle states of an entity with a lifecycle.
Various static helper methods for dealing with lifecycles.
Annotates a method of a POJO class that's supposed to be called to activate a POJO object during LifecycleUtil.activate(Object).
Annotates a method of a POJO class that's supposed to be called to deactivate a POJO object during LifecycleUtil.deactivate(Object).
An implementation of a container that stores its elements in a list.
The default logger implementation.
A default implementation of a managed container.
An abstract implementation of a modifiable container.
A list with O(1) effort for random access.
Negotiator<STATE extends Enum<?>,EVENT extends Enum<?>>
An unchecked security exception indicating that a user has canceled an attempt to authenticate himself.
A default implementation of a notifier.
Various static helper methods.
Represents a bundle, whether OSGi is running or not.
A facility for accessing OSGi debug options, whether OSGi is running or not.
A facility for accessing resource bundles.
Filters log events before they are being passed to the registered log handlers.
The logger of a bundle.
Enumerates the possible severity levels of log events.
Handles filtered log events, for example appends them to a stream or the Eclipse error log.
Represents the platform that bundles are deployed into, whether OSGi is running or not.
An event fired from a preferences object when a preference value has changed.
Handles trace events, for example appends them to a stream sends them to a remote trace handler.
Encapsulates the information of a trace event.
A named tracer within the hierarchy of tracers of a bundle.
If the meaning of this type isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...
The default implementation of an options event.
A default implementation of an OSGi bundle activator for OM bundles.
Saves and loads bundle state.
An OSGi activator that stores bundle state between sessions.
A default implementation of an OSGi application.
As of 4.7 use OSGiLogHandler.
A log handler that appends log events to the OSGi log service.
Various static helper methods for dealing with bundles if OSGi is running.
A list of runnables that can be run in parallel.
Can receive parameters.
Default implementation of the IPasswordCredentialsUpdate interface.
A context tracer that maintains a number of timers for performance measurements.
An abstract implementation of a container.
As of 3.5 use Predicate.
As of 3.10 use Predicate.
As of 3.10 use Predicate.
As of 3.10 use Predicate.
A log handler that appends log events to error and output streams.
An instrumented sub monitor that automatically collects and reports usage statistics.
An unchecked exception that may be thrown from factories to indicate the inability to create a product.
Contains a list of properties.
Describes a property of a receiver object and extracts its value.
Describes a property of a receiver object and extracts its value with given arguments.
As of 3.6 use ExecutorWorkSerializer.
An input stream for reading a Reader.
A Map implementation that uses KeyedReference instances (KeyedStrongReference, KeyedSoftReference, KeyedWeakReference or KeyedPhantomReference) as its values.
Various static helper methods for dealing with Java reflection.
Annotates fields that are to be skipped in ReflectUtil.collectFields() and ReflectUtil.toString().
Content assist proposal provider for regular expressions.
An exception that wraps an exception that has been thrown in a different JVM.
A trace handler that sends trace events to a remote trace server.
A server that agents can connect to and that passes the received trace events to registered listeners.
A trace event being passed by a remote trace server to registered listeners.
Listens to trace events being passed by a remote trace server.
A listener that appends trace events to a print stream.
An interface with a method that can propagate checked exceptions.
As of 3.2 use RWOLockManager.
Keeps track of locks on objects.
Represents a combination of locks for one OBJECT.
An implementation of a container that stores its elements in a set.
A lifecycle entity with a reference count that can be activated multiple times.
A container event with a single element delta.
As of 3.9 subject to future removal.
A runnable that can be stopped.
Converts any kind of objects to strings.
Parses strings and returns any kind of objects.
Tests the relationships of pairs of strings.
Various static helper methods for dealing with strings.
A progress monitor that uses a given amount of work ticks from a parent monitor.
As of 3.9 use an executor such as SynchronousExecutor.
A queue that asynchronously, but orderly, executes tasks that have been scheduled to it.
An IEvent typically fired from notifiers that execute operations in the background.
A listener that dispatches throwable events to methods that can be overridden by extenders.
Prints the stack traces of throwable events to a PrintStream.
The default implementation of a trace event.
The default implementation of a tracer.
Generates 16 byte UUID values and can encode them to Strings, decode from Strings respectively.
An IEvent fired from value notifiers after value changes.
A notifier with an ID and a single value.
An unchecked exception that wraps a checked exception.