Net4j DB Framework Documentation

The Net4j DB Framework contains the database core framework and database adapter plugins for H2, Derby, Mysql, HSQLDB and PostgreSQL.

Separate database adapter features are available for Oracle and DB2.

Additional database drivers are available via (read the license informations).

The Net4j DB framework.
The Net4j DB framework concepts for the abstraction of the SQL data definition language.
The Net4j DB framework concepts for the abstraction of schema deltas.
The Net4j DB Framework support for Derby databases.
The Net4j DB Framework support for H2 databases.
The Net4j DB Framework support for HSQLDB databases.
Implementations of the JDBC API that require Java 1.7 compatibility at development time.
The Net4j DB Framework support for MYSQL databases.
The Net4j DB Framework support for PostgreSQL databases.
Server service provider interfaces and useful base implementations for the Net4j DB framework.
Server service provider interfaces for the Net4j DB framework.