WebApp Discoverer API

Each MoDisco discoverer responds to a normalized interface and can be called programmatically (see org.eclipse.modisco.infra.discovery.core.IDiscoverer<T>).

First, add the following plug-in dependencies to your project ( Require-Bundle in your Manifest.MF):

You can easily discover a web-xml model programmatically. For example:

WebXmlDiscoverer2 discoverer = new WebXmlDiscoverer2();
discoverer.discoverElement(xmlFile, new NullProgressMonitor());
Resource webXmlResource = discoverer.getTargetModel();

To have a monitor to pass to the discoverElement method, you can either call the discoverer in an Eclipse Job, or pass a new NullProgressMonitor if you don't need progress reporting.

As an example, you may checkout the code from project org.eclipse.modisco.jee.webapp.discoverer.tests.