The goal of the "Java to KDM transformation" discoverer is to get a KDM model from a Java model. It is useful when the only available information on a java source code is contained in a Java model. Even without the source code it is then possible to get a KDM representation.
Quality disclaimer: this discoverer is provided without any guarantee: it was only tested on a small number of projects of relatively small sizes. It may not be suitable for production environments.
A prerequisite is a Java model. Please refer to the Java Discoverer user manual.
Once launched, a progress dialog will appear as soon as the operation begins. Depending on the size of your java model, the transformation might take some time to complete:
At the end of the process, the newly created model files are added to the root of your project:
And the model is automatically opened in the default model browser if you selected "Open model in editor after discovery":