The goal of the Java Generation plug-in is to allow Java code generation from a Java model. Such a generation will fulfill some of the requirements for Legacy refactoring and migration.
Quality disclaimer: this generator is provided without any guarantee.
This plug-in proposes Acceleo modules for generating Java files conforming to Java models. Templates are contained in two modules
Java models are obtained with the Java Discoverer component.
Considering a Java legacy, a minimal migration/refactoring chain will involve
A prerequisite is a Java model. Please refer to the Java Discoverer user manual.
To launch a Java generation, add in your plugin dependencies and use the GenerateJavaExtended main method with input model and target folder as parameters. The code should look like this :
GenerateJavaExtended javaGenerator = new GenerateJavaExtended(URI.createFileURI("C:/.../my.javaxmi"), new File("C:/.../myOutputFolder"), new ArrayList<Object>()); javaGenerator.doGenerate(null);
Note : at the moment this documentation is written, there is no way of creating one Acceleo Launch Configuration based on one installed Acceleo module plugin.