Add a workflow engine in MoDiscoWorkflow
To extend the capabilities of MoDiscoWorkflow, other workflow engines can be provided through the "engine" extension point.
"engine" extension point
"engine" extension point definition
The MoDiscoWorkflow plug-in proposes an extension point named "engine".
This extension point allows you to add a new type of Workflow. To do this, you define:
- a workflow engine, specified by the "workflowExecution" element
- a workflow model item definition specified by the "workflowCore" element, to bridge the internal model representation with the MoDiscoWorkflow representation
"workflowExecution" part
This part defines:
class: The class which has to implement interface "org.eclipse.modisco.workflow.core.WorkflowExecution". It will bridge a MoDiscoWorkflow definition with the internal execution engine to run the specified workflow.
"workflowCore" part
This part defines:
name: a name that describes the workflow engine
class: a class which implements interface "org.eclipse.modisco.workflow.core.WorkflowModel". It will bridge the internal model representation with the MoDiscoWorkflow representation.