Installing IBM DTFJ feature for IBM dumps

Install the IBM Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java feature from an IBM download site to add to Eclipse Memory Analyzer the capability to read and analyze dumps generated by IBM virtual machines for Java.
  1. Select Help > Install New Software...
    The Install dialog appears.
  2. Select Work with: IBM Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java -
    In the main table the following appears:

    IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools

  3. Select IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools > Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java
  4. Click Next
    At the bottom of the dialog this progress message appears: Calculating requirements and dependencies. The dialog changes to: Install Details Review the items to be installed.

    Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java

  5. Click Next
    The dialog changes to: Review Licenses

    Licenses must be reviewed and accepted before the software can be installed.

  6. Select I accept the terms of the license agreement
  7. Click Finish
    The dialog closes, then at the bottom of the Eclipse Memory Analyzer window appears the message Installing Software then after a while a new dialog window appears: Do you trust these certificates? In the dialog are the following certificate details: IBM Canada Ltd; null; IBM Canada Ltd
  8. Click Select All Accept selected
    This indicates that you trust the provider of certificates provided.
    The dialog closes, installation continues with the Installing Software indicating progress. When installation is complete a new dialog appears: Software Updates Would you like to restart Eclipse Memory Analyzer to apply the changes?
  9. Click Restart Now
    Eclipse Memory Analyzer shuts down and restarts with the DTFJ feature installed.
  10. Check that the features is correctly installed using File > Open
    A file dialog appears: Open Snapshot
  11. Click on All Known Formats
    The following list drops down:

    All Known Formats
    HPROF binary heap dumps
    IBM 1.4.2 SDFF1
    IBM Javadumps
    IBM SDK for Java (J9) system dumps
    IBM SDK for Java
    Portable Heap Dumps
    All Files

  12. Click Cancel
    Installation of the DTFJ feature is complete.
1 IBM DTFJ feature versions >= 1.12.29003.201808011034 do not have this option