Class OQL


public final class OQL extends Object
Factory for often-used OQL queries.
  • Method Details

    • forAddress

      public static final String forAddress(long address)
      Select object by its address.
    • forObjectId

      public static final String forObjectId(int objectId)
      Select object by its object id.
    • forObjectIds

      public static String forObjectIds(int[] objectIds)
      Select objects by its ids.
    • retainedBy

      public static final String retainedBy(String oqlQuery)
      Select the retained set of a given OQL query.
    • retainedBy

      public static String retainedBy(int objectId)
      Select the retained set of a given object.
    • forObjectsOfClass

      public static final String forObjectsOfClass(IClass clasz)
      All objects of a given class.
    • forObjectsOfClass

      public static final String forObjectsOfClass(int classId)
      All objects of a class identified by its id.
    • union

      public static void union(StringBuilder query, String other)
      Create a OQL union statement and append it to the query. Possibly optimize a common prefix. select s.a,s.b,s.c from 1,173 s select s.a,s.b,s.c from 123 s combine to select s.a,s.b,s.c from 1,173,123 s Also split off UNION clauses to see if the new clause can be merged into an existing UNION clause.
    • instancesByPattern

      public static String instancesByPattern(Pattern pattern, boolean includeSubclasses)
      Return all instances of classes matching a given regular expression.
    • classesByPattern

      public static String classesByPattern(Pattern pattern, boolean includeSubclasses)
      Returns all classes matching a given regular expression.
    • instancesByClassLoaderId

      public static String instancesByClassLoaderId(int classLoaderId)
      Returns an OQL query string to select all objects loaded by the given class loader.
             select *
                  select *
                  from java.lang.Class c
                      c implements org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IClass
                      and c.@classLoaderId = {0}
      classLoaderId - the object id of the class loader
      an OQL query selecting all objects loaded by the class loader
    • classesByClassLoaderId

      public static String classesByClassLoaderId(int classLoaderId)
      Returns an OQL query string to select all classes loaded by the given class loader.
             select *
             from java.lang.Class c
                  c implements org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IClass
                  and c.@classLoaderId = {0}
      classLoaderId - the object id of the class loader
      an OQL query selecting all classes loaded by the class loader