Class ClassHistogramRecord

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ClassHistogramRecord extends HistogramRecord
This class holds the histogram data on the objects found in the object set for which a histogram was computed (aggregated per class).
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ClassHistogramRecord

      public ClassHistogramRecord(String label, int classId, long numberOfObjects, long usedHeapSize, long retainedHeapSize)
      Build a histogram record
      label - the class name
      classId - the id of the class
      numberOfObjects - the number of objects of that class
      usedHeapSize - the space used by those objects
      retainedHeapSize - the total of the size of all the objects retained by those objects. 0 means calculate when required, negative means approximate size, positive means exact retained size is known.
    • ClassHistogramRecord

      public ClassHistogramRecord(String label, int classId, int[] objectIds, long usedHeapSize, long retainedHeapSize)
      Build a histogram record
      label - the class name
      classId - the id of the class
      objectIds - the ids of objects of that class
      usedHeapSize - the space used by those objects
      retainedHeapSize - the total of the size of all the objects retained by those objects. 0 means calculate when required, negative means approximate size, positive means exact retained size is known.
  • Method Details

    • getClassId

      public int getClassId()
      Get id of the class this class histogram record stands for.
      id of the class this class histogram record stands for
    • getObjectIds

      public int[] getObjectIds()
      Get ids of the objects this class histogram record stands for.
      ids of the objects this class histogram record stands for
    • calculateRetainedSize

      public long calculateRetainedSize(ISnapshot snapshot, boolean calculateIfNotAvailable, boolean approximation, IProgressListener listener) throws SnapshotException
      Find out the retained size
      snapshot - the snapshot
      calculateIfNotAvailable - whether to calculate the size if not already available
      approximation - whether to use an approximation to the retained size (sum of the individual retained sizes)
      listener - to report progress and errors
      the retained size, negated if approximate, 0 if not available
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object