Uses of Package
Packages that use org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations.descriptors
Support for collecting arguments for acquiring heap dumps from running programs.
Package for getting a list of queries and examining their capabilities and setting them up.
Utilities to develop heap dump queries.
Acquire heap dumps from other running processes - user interface (not API).
Examine list of queries and query history - user interface (not API).
Classes in org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations.descriptors used by org.eclipse.mat.internal.acquireClassDescriptionA descriptor which allows to inspect an annotated object, e.g.
Classes in org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations.descriptors used by org.eclipse.mat.query.registryClassDescriptionA descriptor which allows to inspect an annotated object, e.g.A descriptor for fields annotated with the annotation @Argument.
Classes in org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations.descriptors used by org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.queryClassDescriptionA descriptor which allows to inspect an annotated object, e.g.A descriptor for fields annotated with the annotation @Argument.
Classes in org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations.descriptors used by org.eclipse.mat.ui.internal.acquireClassDescriptionA descriptor which allows to inspect an annotated object, e.g.
Classes in org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations.descriptors used by org.eclipse.mat.ui.internal.browserClassDescriptionA descriptor which allows to inspect an annotated object, e.g.