Interface IResultTree

All Superinterfaces:
IResult, IStructuredResult
All Known Implementing Classes:
BigDropsQuery, BundleRegistryQuery.BundleTreeResult, BundleRegistryQuery.ExtensionTreeResult, BundleRegistryQuery.ServicesTreeResult, ClassReferrersQuery.InboundClasses, ClassReferrersQuery.OutboundClasses, CompareTablesQuery.ComparisonResultTree, DominatorQuery.Tree, DuplicatedClassesQuery, Histogram.ClassLoaderTree, Histogram.PackageTree, Histogram.SuperclassTree, MultiplePath2GCRootsQuery.Tree, ObjectListResult.Inbound, ObjectListResult.Outbound, Path2GCRootsQuery.Tree, RefinedTree

public interface IResultTree extends IStructuredResult
Interface for results in tree-form.
  • Method Details

    • getElements

      List<?> getElements()
      Returns the root elements of the tree.
      a list of all the root elements of the tree as opaque row objects representing each row which can be passed to getChildren(Object) or IStructuredResult.getContext(Object) or IStructuredResult.getColumnValue(Object, int).
    • hasChildren

      boolean hasChildren(Object element)
      Returns whether the given element has children.
      element - the opaque object used to indicate which branch
      true if this element has children
    • getChildren

      List<?> getChildren(Object parent)
      Returns the child elements of the given parent.
      parent - The row object as returned by the getElements() or getChildren(Object) methods.
      a list of children of this branch of the tree