Interface IQuery

All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayFillRatioQuery, ArraysBySizeQuery, BigDropsQuery, BiggestObjectsPieQuery, BundleRegistryQuery, ClassLoaderExplorerQuery, ClassReferrersQuery, CollectionFillRatioQuery, CollectionsBySizeQuery, CompareTablesQuery, ComparisonReport, ComponentReportQuery, CopyActions, CopyActions.Address, CopyActions.FQClassName, CopyActions.Value, CopyOQL, CustomizedRetainedSetQuery, DeltaHistogram, DominatorQuery, DuplicatedClassesQuery, ExportHprof, ExtractListValuesQuery, FinalizerInProcessingQuery, FinalizerQuery, FinalizerQueueQuery, FinalizerReferenceStatQuery, FinalizerThreadLocalsQuery, FinalizerThreadQuery, FindLeaksQuery, FindLeaksQuery2, FindStringsQuery, GCRootsQuery, GroupByValueQuery, HashEntriesQuery, HashSetValuesQuery, HeapDumpInfoQuery, HistogramQuery, ImmediateDominatorsQuery, LeakHunterQuery, LeakHunterQuery2, LeakingPlugins, MapCollisionRatioQuery, MultiplePath2GCRootsQuery, ObjectListQuery, OpenSourceFileQuery, OQLQuery, Path2GCRootsQuery, PhantomReferenceStatQuery, PrimitiveArraysWithAConstantValueQuery, ReferenceLeakQuery, ReferenceQuery, RetainedSetQuery, RunExternalTest, RunRegisterdReport, SaveValueAsQuery, ShowInDominatorQuery, SimpleComparison, SoftReferenceStatQuery, SystemPropertiesQuery, ThreadInfoQuery, ThreadOverviewQuery, ThreadStackQuery, TopComponentsReportQuery, TopConsumers2Query, TopConsumersQuery, UnreachableObjectsQuery, WasteInCharArraysQuery, WeakReferenceStatQuery

public interface IQuery
Interface representing a query on the heap dump. Arguments can be injected into the query using public fields marked with the Argument annotation. Typical arguments for a SnapshotQuery are Typical arguments to be supplied by the user of the query include The implementation can be tagged with the following annotations to control the placement and help in the query menus. Implementations of this interface need to be registered using the extension point.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The execute method is called after all arguments have been injected into the query instance.
  • Method Details

    • execute

      IResult execute(IProgressListener listener) throws Exception
      The execute method is called after all arguments have been injected into the query instance. Typical results are TextResult, CompositeResult, SectionSpec etc.
      listener - Monitor to report progress and check for cancellation.
      The result of the query.
      Exception - if something went wrong running the query