Package org.eclipse.m2m.atl.adt.ui.text.atl
package org.eclipse.m2m.atl.adt.ui.text.atl
ClassDescriptionThis class controls the highlight syntaxing coloration for the ATL editor.The AtlCompletionDataSource, retrieves data from EMF metamodels.The completion helper, dedicated to document parsing.The completion processor, provides content assist.This interface is a non-regression utility.The ATL completion proposal definition.The completion proposals comparator.The context types, used to provides content assist.The ATL Editor parameters.This class allows us to split an installed template description so that it fits in the completion panel.Atl model analyser, used to get information from an incomplete ATL model.A validator for the parameters.Auto indent strategy for strings.Completion helper, dedicated to document parsing.It compares the current input of an editor with the last saved input.Open declaration utilities.