Axis emitter preferences

The Axis Emitter preferences page allows you to set the following preferences used when creating or consuming Axis Web services.


Generate code for all elements:
By default, WSDL2Java only generates code for those elements in the WSDL file that are referenced. For additional information regarding how referencing works refer to the Axis reference guide:
Emits separate Helper classes for metadata:
If you select this option WSDL2Java will create a separate helper class that contains the metadata rather than including it in the skeleton.
Prefers building beans to straight arrays for wrapped XML array types:
The default behavior is to map this XML construct:
<element name="array">
   <element name="item" type="xs:string"/>
to a Java String array (String[]). If you would rather a specific JavaBean class (ArrayOfString) be generated for these types of schemas, select this option.
Add scope to deploy.wsdd:
This indicates how to deploy the server implementation. Application uses one instance of the implementation class for all requests. Request creates a new instance of the implementation class for each request. Session creates a new instance of the implementation class for each session.
Timeout in seconds:
The default is 45. Use -1 to disable the timeout.


Look for allowed methods in inherited class:
If this option is specified, the Java2WSDL parser will look into extended classes to determine the list of methods to export into the WSDL file.
Analyze the service class for compliance to JAX-RPC before generating code:
If selected, the tools will examine the Java service class and its value types to determine if it satisfies important requirements of the JAX-RPC specification.