Publishing a business entity

A business entity contains information about the business that has published a service. Before you can publish a business service, you must publish a business entity.

  1. Register with a registry
  2. Launch the Web Services Explorer
  3. Add the registry to the Web Services Explorer

You can publish a business entity using two different publication formats: simple and advanced.

Simple Allows you to enter the minimal amount of information required to publish your business entity. A simple publish only allows you to specify only one name and one business description.

Advanced Allows you to enter more information about your business entity. An advanced publish allows you to specify multiple names and descriptions for multi-lingual support.

Publish a business entity using the simple option

To publish a business entity using the simple option:

  1. In the Web Services Explorer, select UDDI Main and select the registry to which you want to publish the business entity.
  2. In the Actions pane toolbar, click the Publish icon Picture of the Publish  icon..
  3. Select Business and select the Simple radio button.
  4. Enter the publish URL, your user ID, password, business name, and business description in the respective fields.
  5. Click Go to publish your business entity.

The IBM® Web Services Explorer is automatically updated with your published business entity. Businesses can now discover information about your business.

Publish a business entity using the advanced option

To publish a business entity using the advanced option:

  1. In the Web Services Explorer Navigator pane, select the business entity for which you want to publish the business service.
  2. In the Actions pane toolbar, click the Publish Service icon Picture of the Publish Service icon..
  3. Select Business and select the Advanced radio button.
  4. Enter the publish URL, your user ID, password, and WSDL URL in the respective fields.
  5. Click Add to create business names.
  6. Click Add to create business descriptions.
  7. Click Add to create an identifier. For example, an identifier for your business entity may be your business phone number. The key name would be "Phone Number" and the key value would be your business telephone number.
  8. Click Add to create categories. Enter your business categories. Select a category type from the drop down list. Click Browse to open the Categories pane. Navigate through the hierarchical taxonomy and select the appropriate classification for your business service, then exit the Categories pane.
  9. Click Add to create the URL where your business entity can be discovered.
  10. Click Go to publish your business entity.

The Web Services Explorer is automatically updated with your published business entity. Businesses can now discover information about your business.