Logging in to a UDDI registry

If you have published your Web service to a UDDI registry you can log into the registry and manage the service through the Web Services Explorer.

  1. Register with a registry
  2. Launch the Web Services Explorer

To Log in to the registry:

  1. Once you have selected a registry, you can scroll to the Other Actions section of the page and select Login, or use the login button at the top of the Explorer: screen capture of the login icon.
  2. Enter the URL (if it has not been prefilled for you), the user ID, and the password for the registry and click Go.
  3. The Summary of Business page displays. It lists all the businesses associated with the registry.

When you have successfully logged in, the Status pane displays a message indicating you were successful.

To log out of the registry click the Logout button: screen capture of the logout icon.