Adding a registry, business entity, business service, service interface, WSIL, or WSDL service to Favorites

You can add a registry, business entity, business service, service interface, WSIL, or WSDL service to the Web Service Explorer Favorites if you plan to access them in the future.


To add a registry, business entity, Web service, service interface, WSIL, or WSDL to Favorites using the Web Services Explorer:

  1. Navigate through the registry hierarchy to find the registry, business entity, Web service, service interface or the WSIL page to find the WSIL or WSDL service you want to add to Favorites.
  2. Select the business entity, Web service, service interface, WSIL, or WSDL service.
  3. In the Actions icon bar, click the Add to favorites icon Picture of the Add to favorites icon..

Any favorites that you add are saved by the Web Services Explorer to 


Where X is the directory where your workspace folder is located. If you are migrating from an earlier version of the product, your favorites will be automatically migrated to this location.