Creating a EJB 3.1 session bean using the wizard

You can use the Create Session Bean wizard to create a session bean in your EJB project.

Here are the steps to create a session bean in an EJB project:
  1. In the Java™ EE perspective, right-click your EJB Project, and select File > New > Session Bean . The Create Session Bean wizard appears.
  2. In the Project field, ensure that your EJB Project name appears.
  3. In the Folder field, select the source folder for the new bean.
  4. In the Java package field, type the package name for the new bean.
  5. In the Class name field, type the name that you want to assign to the session bean. By convention, bean names should begin with an uppercase letter.
    Note: You can use Unicode characters for the bean name, but Unicode characters are not supported for enterprise bean packages and classes associated with enterprise beans.
  6. In the Superclass field, Browse to find a Superclass to add to your Session bean.
  7. In the State Type field, select the type of Session bean you want to create. Valid options are
    • Stateless
    • Stateful
  8. OptionalIn the Create Business Interface field, select Local or Remote if you want to include these interfaces.
  9. Click Next.
  10. On the Session Bean information page, you may change the values of some of the Session bean elements:
    • Optional: In the EJB Name field, you can change the value of your EJB name that you assigned in the previous page.
    • Optional: In the Mapped Name field, type a value for your EJB Mappedname.
    • Optional: In the Transaction Type field, select the type of Session bean you want to create (Container or Bean).
    • Optional: In the Business Interfaces field, you can add or remove Business Interfaces that you created in the previous wizard page.
  11. Click Finish.
  12. In the Java class editor, your new Session bean appears, with the @Stateless annotation and the required import statements.