Use this area to specify a mapped column for joining an entity association. By default, the mapping is assumed to have a single join.
Property | Description | Available for Mapping Type |
Mapped by |
The field in the database table that "owns" the relationship. This field is required only on the non-owning side of the relationship. |
Many-to-many mapping, One-to-many mapping, and One-to-one mapping |
Attribute |
Primary key join columns |
Join columns |
By default, the name is assumed to be the primary tables associated with the entities concatenated with an underscore. Select Override Default, then Add, Edit, or Remove the join columns. |
Many-to-one mapping, One-to-many mapping, and One-to-one mapping |
Join table |
Many-to-many mapping, Many-to-one mapping, One-to-many mapping, and One-to-one mapping |
Name |
Name of the join table that contains the foreign key column.You must specify the join table on the owning side. By default, the name is assumed to be the primary tables associated with the entities concatenated with an underscore. |
Schema |
Schema of the table |
Catalog |
Catalog of the table |
Join columns |
The foreign key columns of the join table which reference the primary table of the entity owning the association. (that is, the owning side of the association). |
Inverse join columns |
The foreign key columns of the join table which reference the primary table of the entity that does not own the association. (that is, the inverse side of the association). |