Adding Multiple Memory Renderings and Removing Renderings

When you add a variable, expression, or register to the Memory view, you can do so multiple times, each time adding a new (or the same) rendering. Alternatively, once you have added a memory monitor and rendering, you can go to the Renderings pane and click the Add Rendering(s) push button (Add Rendering(s) push button). This will prompt you with a dialog to select the rendering that you want to add to the view. In this dialog, you can select more than one rendering by using the keyboard Shift or Ctrl keys - doing this will cause a rendering to be opened for each rendering format that is selected. When you add multiple memory renderings, they are separated by tabs.

You can also split the Memory Renderings pane by selecting the Toggle Split Pane push button (Toggle Split Pane push button). When the Renderings pane is split, you can view two renderings side-by-side.

When you have multiple memory renderings for a memory monitor, you can set the renderings to be linked with one another. To do this, select the Link Memory Rendering Panes push button (Link Memory Rendering Panes push button). When renderings are linked, they are synchronized with each other (for example, if you change the column size in one rendering, the column size in the other rendering will also change - or if you scroll or move the cursor in one rendering, the other rendering will scroll or follow the same cursor movement). Linking memory renderings only applies to the current Memory view. If you have multiple Memory views open, they do not link to each other.

To remove a rendering, select it in the Renderings pane and click Remove Rendering (Remove Memory Monitor push button). When you remove all memory renderings for a monitored expression, variable, or register, the Renderings pane will be populated with the memory rendering selection list. From this list, you can select the data format that you want to use for the memory rendering and then click Add Rendering(s).