Inspecting Memory in the Memory View

With the Memory view, you can look at the contents of memory at a specific address. The address can be obtained from an expression that references a variable or a register. When you monitor memory, you can set the monitor to be rendered in various data formats.

The Memory view is comprised of two portions:

When you monitor an address or expression from the Monitors pane, the Renderings pane becomes populated with a set of default renderings provided by your debugger. When you monitor an address or expression from the Renderings pane, the pane becomes populated with a list of renderings from which you can choose one to display.

You can monitor multiple variables, expressions, and registers in the Memory view - and you can add multiple renderings to the Renderings pane. In the Monitors pane, each variable, expression, or register that you have added is listed. In the Renderings pane, only the memory rendering(s) for the currently-selected monitor in the Memory view is displayed (multiple renderings are separated by tabs or a split pane).

You can set the two panes in the Memory view to display in a horizontal orientation (side-by-side) or in a vertical orientation (top-to-bottom). To set the layout of the view, click the Memory view down-arrow icon and select Layout from the menu. This will open a submenu, from which you can choose the orientation that you want to display.