Displaying the Result of Evaluating an Expression
Displaying shows the result of evaluating an expression in the scrapbook editor.
In the scrapbook page, either type an expression or highlight an existing expression to be displayed. For example:
Click the Display button in the toolbar (or select Display from the selection's pop-up menu.)
The result of the evaluation appears highlighted in the scrapbook editor. The result displayed is either
the value obtained by sending
to the result of the evaluation, or
when evaluating a primitive data type (e.g., an int ), the result is the simple value of the result.
For example:
Type and highlight
new java.util.Date()
in the editor, and click Display. A result such as (java.util.Date) Tue Jun 12
14:03:17 CDT 2001
appears in the editor.
As another example, type and highlight
3 + 4
in the editor, and press Display. The result (int) 7
is displayed in the
Executing an expression
Inspecting the result of evaluating an expression
Viewing runtime exceptions
Java scrapbook page