Advanced Factory Path Options Dialog

The Advanced Factory Path Options dialog is reached from the Factory Path preferences pane. It is used to view the individual processors within a plug-in or jar file and to configure additional options. Options on this dialog do not normally need to be changed from the default.

Run this container's processors in batch mode
When this option is selected, the processors and processor factories in this jar will be run in a mode that enhances compatibility with the Sun(TM) command-line tool apt. In this mode, processor classes are loaded at the beginning of a build, executed over the full set of Java types, and then unloaded, as they would be when running apt at the command line. Processors run in this mode are only run during a full build, not during incremental builds. This option is only configurable for jar files; for plug-ins it is always set to false. This option only applies to processors using the Java 5 Mirror APIs. It does not affect processors using the Java 6 annotation processing APIs.