Java Code Minings Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Code Minings settings on the Opens the Code Minings preference page Java > Editor > Code Minings preference page.




Enable Code Minings If enabled, selected Code Minings will be shown as decoration on the Java editor. Off
Only if there is at least on result If enabled, Code Minings counting elements will not be shown if 0 elements are found. On


Show references (including implementations) for If enabled, the count of workspace references will be shown for the Java elements selected below. Note that the reference count includes the implementation count. On
Types If enabled, the count of workspace references will be shown for the Java types in the Java editor. On
Fields If enabled, the count of workspace references will be shown for the Java fields in the Java editor. On
Methods If enabled, the count of workspace references will be shown for the Java methods in the Java editor. On
Show implementations If enabled, the count of implementations will be shown for the Java types in the Java editor. On
Show method parameter names If enabled, parameter names will be shown for method and constructor when the method signature or actual parameter value expression do not make resolution obvious for the reader. Off