User Libraries Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the User Libraries settings on the Opens the User Libraries preference page Java > Build Path > User Libraries preference page.

A user library is a set of JAR files. A user library can be added to a projects build path through the build path properties page. The User Libraries preference page allows to define, edit, import, export, or remove user libraries.



New... Creates a new user library
Edit... Edits the currently selected library, JAR or JAR attribute
Add JARs... Adds one or more JARs to the currently selected user library
Remove.. Removes the currently selected user library or JAR
Up Moves the currently selected JAR up in the list of JARs of a user library. The order can be important if more than one JAR contain a type with the same qualified name.
Down Moves the currently selected JAR down in the list of JARs of a user library. The order can be important if more than one JAR contain a type with the same qualified name.
Import... Adds new libraries from an import file
Export... Exports libraries to an import file
Java Build Path page