Uses of Class
Packages that use AbstractOpenWizardAction
Application programming interfaces for Eclipse Java User Interface specific
Uses of AbstractOpenWizardAction in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions
Subclasses of AbstractOpenWizardAction in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actionsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Action that opens the new annotation wizard.The action initialized the wizard with either the selection as configured bysetSelection(IStructuredSelection)
or takes a preconfigured new annotation wizard page, seeOpenNewAnnotationWizardAction.setConfiguredWizardPage(NewAnnotationWizardPage)
Action that opens the new class wizard.class
Action that opens the new enum wizard.class
Action that opens the new interface wizard.class
Action that opens the new Java project wizard.class
Action that opens the new package wizard.class
Action that opens the new enum wizard.class
Action that opens the new source folder wizard.