Class TestRunListener


public abstract class TestRunListener extends Object
A test run listener that can be registered at JUnitCore.addTestRunListener(TestRunListener) or as a contribution to the org.eclipse.jdt.junit.testRunListeners extension point. The latter approach has the advantage that the contributing plug-in is automatically loaded when a test run starts.

A test run starts with the call to sessionLaunched(ITestRunSession) and sessionStarted(ITestRunSession), followed by calls to testCaseStarted(ITestCaseElement) and testCaseFinished(ITestCaseElement) for all test cases contained in the tree.

A test run session is ended with the call to sessionFinished(ITestRunSession). After that call, no references must be kept to the session or any of the test cases or suites.

  • Constructor Details

    • TestRunListener

      public TestRunListener()
  • Method Details

    • sessionLaunched

      public void sessionLaunched(ITestRunSession session)
      A test run session has been launched. The test tree is not available yet.

      Important: The implementor of this method must not keep a reference to the session element after sessionFinished(ITestRunSession) has finished.

      session - the session that has just been launched
    • sessionStarted

      public void sessionStarted(ITestRunSession session)
      A test run session has started. The test tree can be accessed through the session element.

      Important: The implementor of this method must not keep a reference to the session element after sessionFinished(ITestRunSession) has finished.

      session - the session that has just started.
    • sessionFinished

      public void sessionFinished(ITestRunSession session)
      A test run session has finished. The test tree can be accessed through the session element.

      Important: The implementor of this method must not keep the session element when the method is finished.

      session - the test
    • testCaseStarted

      public void testCaseStarted(ITestCaseElement testCaseElement)
      A test case has started. The result can be accessed from the element.

      Important: The implementor of this method must not keep a reference to the test case element after sessionFinished(ITestRunSession) has finished.

      testCaseElement - the test that has started to run
    • testCaseFinished

      public void testCaseFinished(ITestCaseElement testCaseElement)
      A test case has ended. The result can be accessed from the element.

      Important: The implementor of this method must not keep a reference to the test case element after sessionFinished(ITestRunSession) has finished.

      testCaseElement - the test that has finished running