Class Expression

Direct Known Subclasses:
Annotation, ArrayAccess, ArrayCreation, ArrayInitializer, Assignment, BooleanLiteral, CaseDefaultExpression, CastExpression, CharacterLiteral, ClassInstanceCreation, ConditionalExpression, FieldAccess, InfixExpression, InstanceofExpression, LambdaExpression, MethodInvocation, MethodReference, Name, NullLiteral, NumberLiteral, ParenthesizedExpression, Pattern, PatternInstanceofExpression, PostfixExpression, PrefixExpression, StringLiteral, SuperFieldAccess, SuperMethodInvocation, SwitchExpression, TextBlock, ThisExpression, TypeLiteral, VariableDeclarationExpression

public abstract class Expression extends ASTNode
  • Method Details

    • resolveConstantExpressionValue

      public final Object resolveConstantExpressionValue()
      Resolves and returns the compile-time constant expression value as specified in JLS2 15.28, if this expression has one. Constant expression values are unavailable unless bindings are requested when the AST is being built. If the type of the value is a primitive type, the result is the boxed equivalent (i.e., int returned as an Integer); if the type of the value is String, the result is the string itself. If the expression does not have a compile-time constant expression value, the result is null.

      Resolving constant expressions takes into account the value of simple and qualified names that refer to constant variables (JLS2 4.12.4).

      Note 1: enum constants are not considered constant expressions. The result is always null for these.

      Note 2: Compile-time constant expressions cannot denote null. So technically NullLiteral nodes are not constant expressions. The result is null for these nonetheless.

      the constant expression value, or null if this expression has no constant expression value or if bindings were not requested when the AST was created
    • resolveTypeBinding

      public final ITypeBinding resolveTypeBinding()
      Resolves and returns the binding for the type of this expression.

      Note that bindings are generally unavailable unless requested when the AST is being built.

      the binding for the type of this expression, or null if the type cannot be resolved
    • resolveBoxing

      public final boolean resolveBoxing()
      Returns whether this expression node is the site of a boxing conversion (JLS3 5.1.7). This information is available only when bindings are requested when the AST is being built.
      true if this expression is the site of a boxing conversion, or false if either no boxing conversion is involved or if bindings were not requested when the AST was created
    • resolveUnboxing

      public final boolean resolveUnboxing()
      Returns whether this expression node is the site of an unboxing conversion (JLS3 5.1.8). This information is available only when bindings are requested when the AST is being built.
      true if this expression is the site of an unboxing conversion, or false if either no unboxing conversion is involved or if bindings were not requested when the AST was created