Prepared Example Project

There is one prepared example project containing the sources for this tutorial. It shows more or less the resulting project, which you should have at the end of this tutorial.

Note: it can happen that the code snippets in the tutorial are different from the code in the example project. This means that the example project is outdated. In such a case please tell us, and we will update the example project immediately.

The Example Project


This plug-in contains the complete sources for the graphics framework tutorial.

Installation Of the Example Project

Ensure that plug-ins org.eclipse.graphiti.examples.tutorial and org.eclipse.graphiti.examples.common are installed in your IDE. The latter includes inter alia wizards for project and diagram creation, and a tree.

Test: Open the Empty Diagram Editor

It should at least be possible to create and open a diagram.

For this first test perform the following steps:

  1. Run your target platform.
  2. Open the project explorer (e.g. activate Resource perspective)


Figure: Start the "New" → "Project..."-wizard


Figure: Select "Graphiti Sample Project" as project type


Figure: Insert a name for your project and hit "Finish" button


Figure: The newly created project


Figure: On the selected project open context menu: "New" → "Other..."


Figure: From the list of wizards select "Graphiti Diagram"


Figure: Specify diagram type: "mytutorial" and hit "Next" button


Figure: Specify the diagram name and hit "Finish" button


Diagram is opened automatically with your editor. Result is shown in the image below.


Figure: Empty diagram is opened in editor


Depending on the functionality already provided in your editor, you can continue to test further functionality.