Providing Double-Click Behavior

Enhancing the Tool Behavior Provider

The double-click behaviour is defined in the tool behavior provider.

If you didn’t do so already you must first create a tool behavior provider and add it to the diagram type provider as described here.

There is one method of the tool behavior provider to overwrite:

In this example we want to execute the ”Rename EClass” feature we implemented previously on double-click.

You can see the complete implementation of the double-click behavior here:


public ICustomFeature getDoubleClickFeature(IDoubleClickContext context) {
    ICustomFeature customFeature =
        new TutorialRenameEClassFeature(getFeatureProvider());
    // canExecute() tests especially if the context contains a EClass
    if (customFeature.canExecute(context)) {
        return customFeature;
    return super.getDoubleClickFeature(context);


Test: Rename a EClass on Double-Click

Now start the editor and create a new EClass. Double-click that EClass and the rename dialog appears, which allows changing the class name.