Issue Analysis

Since Graphiti is based upon writing code against a Java-API, clients can make excellent usage of Java VM features like debugging and hotcode replacement while writing Graphiti editors and viewers. An incremental way to develop is very nicely supported by this.

However, sometimes debugging might not help, e.g. when you have to analyze rendering issues that happen at coding locations that are called often or during special UI states that are focus relevant.

To ease analyzing issues in such situation, Graphiti offers a preference page for test settings. It is part of the org.eclipse.graphiti.examples.common plugin and is being installed e.g. when you install the Graphiti SDK. To open the preferences page, click the main menu entry "Window", then "Preferences" and select the page "Graphiti Test Preferences". (Note that the page is not part of the Graphiti framework install, so it will not appear in any Graphiti-based tool-installations, unless explicitly added or the Graphiti SDK is installed along with the tool).

The following settings are available on the preference page: