All Classes and Interfaces

Layout algorithm that places all elements in one column or one row, depending on set orientation.
The GridLayoutAlgorithm lays out nodes in a grid.
This layout shifts overlapping nodes to the right.
An interface for all layout algorithms.
An ILayoutFilter can be used to filter layout objects, so that they are not reported to any ILayoutAlgorithm.
The LayoutContext provides the context in which to layout a Graph.
LayoutProperties contains all properties which can be accessed on Graph, Edge, Node, their default values, as well as static accessor methods for those properties.
This layout will take the given entities, apply a tree layout to them, and then display the tree in a circular fashion with the roots in the center.
Layout algorithm implementing SpaceTree.
The SpringLayoutAlgorithm has its own data repository and relation repository.
The SugiyamaLayoutAlgorithm class implements an algorithm to arrange a directed graph in a layered tree-like layout.
An interface for heuristics that reduces edge crossings.
Processing the nodes based on depth first search and creating a list of layers
Specifies the direction for the SugiyamaLayoutAlgorithm.
Implemented the CrossingReducer interface.
An interface for creating layers.
Structure to store nodes and their positions in the layers.
Implements the CrossingReducer interface.
The TreeLayoutAlgorithm class implements a simple algorithm to arrange graph nodes in a layered tree-like layout.
A helper class for layout algorithms that are based on tree structure.
A superclass for listeners that can be added to this observer to get notification whenever the tree structure changes.
Represents a node in a tree structure and stores all information related to it.
TreeLayoutObserver uses instance of this class to create instances of TreeLayoutHelper.TreeNode.