Class DotExecutableUtils


public final class DotExecutableUtils extends Object
Class for drawing dot graphs by calling the dot executable.
  • Method Details

    • renderImage

      public static File renderImage(File dotExecutablePath, File dotInputFile, String format, File outputFile, String[] outputs)
      dotExecutablePath - The path of the local Graphviz 'dot' executable, e.g. "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Graphviz2.38\\bin\\dot.exe"
      dotInputFile - The DOT content to render
      format - The image format to export the graph to (e.g. 'pdf' or 'png')
      outputFile - The output file or null if the input file name and location should be used (where only the file extension is changed dependent on the format)
      outputs - A String array with two Strings, where the first contains the output of the input stream and the second contains the output of the error stream.
      The image file generated by rendering the dotInputFile with Graphviz, using the specified format
    • executeDot

      public static String[] executeDot(File dotExecutablePath, boolean invertYAxis, File dotInputFile, File outputFile, String outputFormat)
      Calls the Graphviz 'dot' executable with the given arguments.
      dotExecutablePath - The path of the local Graphviz 'dot' executable, e.g. "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Graphviz2.38\\bin\\dot.exe"
      invertYAxis - Whether to invert the y-axis or not.
      dotInputFile - The input file to pass to 'dot'.
      outputFile - The output file to pass to 'dot' via the -o option. May be null.
      outputFormat - The output format to pass to 'dot' via the -T option. May be null.
      A String array with two Strings, where the first contains the output of the input stream and the second contains the output of the error stream.
    • getSupportedExportFormats

      public static String[] getSupportedExportFormats(String dotExecutable)
      dotExecutable - path to the dot executable
      String array of the supported export formats