Included Workflow Components

Included Workflow Components

The Modeling Workflow Engine comes with several useful workflow components. Some of these components need to be described in detail.

This component allows you to clean up a directory that contains generated artifacts before (re-)generating these artifacts.

The DirectoryCleaner component provides the following configuration properties:

The IfComponent is a very simple component that allows e.g. to temporarily disable one or more subcomponents.

For example:

     <component class="my.first.WorkflowComponent">
            <aProp value="test"/>
     <if cond="false">
     <component class="my.second.WorkflowComponent">
            <anotherProp value="test2"/>
     <component class="my.third.WorkflowComponent">
            <prop value="test"/>

This components provides only a single property:

The StandaloneSetup class is not a workflow component in the narrow sense. However, this class needs to be referenced from within the workflow in order to set up the EMF metamodel in standalone mode.

StandaloneSetup provides the following properties:

The Writer component allows you to write out models stored in a model slot into a file.

The Writer component provides the following configuration properties: